TriplePLife Power Passion Prosperity

Unleash Your Inner Superhero: Overcome Barriers and Scale New Heights


"GPS TO SUCCESS - November 8th & 9th 2024"
This Will Be A LIVE EVENT In Eau Claire, WI
8 AM to 5 PM Friday November 8th
8 Am to 1 PM November 9th

  • Identify and Overcome the limiting beliefs that are sabotaging your results
  • Develop A Superhero Mindset 
  • Learn How To Build A Powerful Personal Brand
  • ​ Become A Master Of Time & Energy Management
  • ​Discover How To Network Like A Superhero
  • Unleash Your Hidden Unique Strengths
  • And So Much More

Testimonials From Previous GPS To Success Attendees

Dr. Lona Cook

I have thoroughly enjoyed the years I have gotten to attend and work through the GPS Summit! Both years, Dr. Jay's ability to choose content, speakers, and space to work through attendee's own visions and dreams has led to breakthroughs for my business and life.  I 100% recommend this seminar to those who could use a curated space to dream and let your vision take form!

with love,
Lona Cook D.C.

Dr. Chris Lilja

What a great conference! I was considering skipping this year's event because of a poor thought process regarding time and money. I am so glad we went! While I have always received great value from Dr. Jay and his team in the past, I obviously needed to regroup and recharge with my associate Dr. Ashley and forge a plan for our best year ever.

I have taken the tools reviewed at the seminar and reset our focus to implement some exciting new changes in the clinic that will help us crush our goals. But this seminar/business conference is much more than your business goals. It helps you look into your soul and figure out how closely you're living up to your "highest self" in business and life. It outlines a formula for success in a way that clears a pathway to a congruent lifestyle based on your "core values", to understand yourself, create better relationships, to hold yourself accountable and much more!

I only wish that this conference was held more than once a year!
Hint - Hint ;0)

We have already planned to return next year.
See you there!  

Dr. Sandy Ager

The GPS to Success Summit is a non-negotiable, must attend for anyone who wants to grow either personally or professionally next year.  There is not a person on the planet who would not benefit from this day.  Dr. Jay is masterful at helping you identify what's holding you back and what you need to let go of to get to the next level in your business, relationships, finances, and health.  People pay thousands for seminars like this.  The value Dr. Jay and his team provide is tremendous.  See you next year!

Chapin Turner (Small Business Owner)

The summit confirmed a lot of my current thinking and gave me confidence that I’m moving in the right direction, while showing me how to streamline my routine to be even more like the successful people I got to be surrounded with and ask questions too.  For me it also put a spotlight on what I am able to control in my day to day life that will ultimately help me reach my goals. A good reminder that we should always strive for self improvements & personal growth.

Killy Kitzmann (Personal Trainer)

Walking into a summit I was a little hesitant as to what I was going to take away from it. However, I'm sitting here a few days later reflecting on what I learned from just the opening comments of Dr.Jay LaGuardia. Multiple times in my life have I heard people speak on making changes in life for the better, but rarely have I ever been taught anything besides a rip off of the statement "love yourself". From analyzing goals of mine for the year 2022 to looking into the why of each goal, I was pushed to really open my heart and mind to the possibilities that I am 100% capable of. Not only was Dr. Jay inspiring and informative but his other speakers provided a complimentary dialogue that was engaging and thought provoking. I not only am looking forward to tackling 2022 but coming back to next year's summit in order to further continue down the TripleP life.

Dr. Matt Kingston

The GPS to Success is an event that will help guide you to your dreams.  Many of us do not know our dreams or at least have not written them down in any meaningful way.  The cursed hows and naysayers in our own head start at us before we even finish writing our goals, and the GPS helps you understand why you have these emotions and how to overcome them.  The environment is one of Love, appreciation, and acceptance and we all share as a community.  Without the correct setting, there will never be the right time to work on your mind to raise your awareness of what you really want and also, setting up the commitments to achieve your dreams.  I would advise everyone who is serious about their evolution and success to figure out what you really want.  Then write the plan to achieve the life of your dreams.  The GPS summit to success is a wonderful tool to help you envision your goals and set a path to achieve them.

Special Once A Year Event
Incredible Discounted Pricing Is Available
For A Limited Time!
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Dr. Jay LaGuardia Host

Best-Selling Author On Amazon, Founder Of the Power Passion Prosperity Podcast, Entrepreneur, 30+ Years Experience as a Chiropractor, Multiple Practice Owner/Operator, and Consultant

Dr. Eddie Hall - Speaker

Co-Founder of TriplePLife, Built A Successful Six-Figure Chiropractor Business in under 2 years, Nutritional Expert, Coach, And More

Garett Nix - Speaker

An experienced Estate Planner Garrett specializes in assisting clients with business succession planning including business owners looking to transition to the next generation.

Chris Koopman - Speaker

One of the foremost experts in the world at teaching people to plan for their financial futures in a more holistic way.

Dr. Pete Pfeffer - Speaker

An expert at so many things, Dr. Pete will share his unique wisdom on utilizing the Enneagram and so much more!

Dr. Lauryn Brunclik - Speaker

Host of the "She Slays The Day" Podcast, Dr. Lauryn will bring her wit and perspective to the event!

WJ Vincent II - Speaker

Co-Founder Of TriplePlife, Website Development Expert, Social Media and Internet Marketing Professional, Programmer, Author, Coach, and More
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EARLY REGISTRATION SPECIAL: Registration is normally $997 per person. Only For A LIMITED TIME...Save 30% & register for only $697 today! Also if you are interested in bringing your non-doctor staff, we have a special discount. 50% off for the first two non-doctor staff, and 70% off for each additional. Email once you are registered yourself for access to this program.

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